Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Positive Method in Gemology

The Positive Method of Gemology first identifies functional benefics and prescribes the gem for them

Functional Benefics

Any planet who owns a quadrant and a trine is considered to
be a functional benefic. Functional benefics are the planets
which can do immense good to the native

Natural benefics are the Moon Jupiter Mercury and Venus

Temporal benefics are the friendly planets of the Ascendant

Trinal lords are also considered as they are powerful to confer

Trinal lords are considered to be benefics in Vedic Astrology.
After all the trines are defined as moral triangles. The Ninth
lord is the lord of Fortune the fifth lord is the ninth from
the ninth ( fortune) and the First Lord or Lagnadhipa the most
important planet as it rules the greatest of all wealth Health.