Sunday, March 25, 2018

               Z O D I A C    G E M  O L O G Y                        

           NAME                             : Kumar                            
           SEX                                : MALE                             
           BIRTH STAR                   : ASLESHA                          
           TIME OF BIRTH               :   9.50 AM  STANDARD TIME         
           DATE OF BIRTH              : 23/06/1955  THURSDAY             
           PLACE OF BIRTH           : TRICHUR                          
           LONGITUDE                    :  76.15  EAST                     
           LATITUDE                       : 10.30  NORTH                     
           SUNRISE                        : 6.05 AM                          
           SUNSET                         : 6.48 PM                          
           TIMEZONE                      :  5.30  EAST OF GREENWICH         
           LOCAL MEAN TIME        : STANDARD TIME    -25  MINS       


     Version 8.00 Gemfinder 102004  /17-08-2011                       
     SOFTWARE   : Zodiac Computers East Nada Guruvayur Kerala -680101 Ph

     Kumar                              ASLESHA               23/06/1955


     Ven Mer   Mar Sun Ket 
         M a i n C h a r t   Jup    Moo Asc
Rah         Sat 

     Lag   Sat    Rah   Mar Gul   Ven 
           D - 9 (Navamsa)
Sun Moo              KetMer Jup  


     Shad bala  means the  sixfold source of planetary strength. There
     are six kinds of potency in the Parasari System. They are :      
     1. Sthana     Bala        -    Positional  Strength              
     2. Dig          Bala        -    Directional Strength              
     3. Kala        Bala        -    Temporal    Strength              
     4. Chesta     Bala        -    Motional    Strength              
     5. Naisargika Bala        -    Intrinsic   Strength              
     6. Drik       Bala        -    Aspectual   Strength            

     Application of Shad Balas                                        
     The importance of and  the  part played by the  Shad Balas in the
     science  of  horoscopy  are  manifold. The application of any one
     particular  system  depends  on  the strength and weakness of cer-
     tain planets  and  Bhavas.  For  instance in deciding the Dasanat-
     ardasa( periods and subperiods )  the  first period is attributed
     to  the  most  powerful of the Lagna the Sun &  the Moon. Whether
     the Sun or  Lagna  is  more powerful can be determined only  when  
     their  respective  strengths  are known. In protraying the future
     results  indicated  by  the different Bhavas their strengths  are
     of  considerable  importance.  Suppose we consider the  period of
     the  Sun  and bhukti  of the Moon.In order to predict the various
     results  care  should  be taken to see which planet more powerful
     or  has  greater  strength. If  the Sun is more powerful than the
     Moon  then  the  results  likely to happen would be predominantly
     those  indicated  by the Sun. If the Moon is more powerful during
     his  sub-period  the Moon's  influence will be felt in preference
     to that  of  the Sun even though the latter may be the major lord.
     Thus when  the  Shadbalas are ascertained correctly future progno-
     stications  can  be ventured with sufficient confidence. The Shad
     balas in  other words give an account of the assets & liabilities
     of each house and planet in the horoscope.                       
     Shad Balas  are  measured in shastiamsas or units of 60. 60 shast-
     iamsas make a Rupa.                                              

PLANET                  SUN      MOON       MARS       MERC     JUP      VEN     SAT

NATHONNATHA BALA       49.17     10.83     10.83      60.00    49.17    49.17   10.83
THRIBHAGA BALA          0.00      0.00      0.00      60.00    60.00     0.00    0.00
ABDA BALA               0.00     15.00      0.00       0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00
MASA BALA               0.00     30.00      0.00       0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00
VARA BALA               0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00    45.00     0.00    0.00
HORA BALA               0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00     0.00    60.00    0.00
PAKSHA BALA            46.16     27.68     46.16      13.84    13.84    13.84   46.16
AYANA BALA            119.86      8.29     58.23      59.35    55.13    58.28   50.89
NAISARGIKA BALA        60.00     51.43     17.14      25.70    34.28    42.85    8.57
OOCHABALA              40.76     34.59     10.97      24.25    58.73    42.76   59.39
KENDRA BALA            15.00     60.00     15.00      30.00    60.00    30.00   60.00
DREKKANA BALA          15.00      0.00      0.00       0.00    15.00     0.00    0.00
OJAYUGMARASYAMSA BALA  30.00     15.00     15.00       0.00     0.00    15.00   30.00
SAPTAVARGAJA BALA      86.25     82.50    101.25      85.50    86.25    93.75   75.00
DIGBALA                15.92     26.09     13.99      39.62    53.30     5.91   27.64
YUDDHABALA              0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00
CHESTA BALA             0.00      0.00      6.50      43.97    10.45    10.66   44.76
DRIK BALA              -9.26      1.06     -6.30     -10.51    -1.62   -11.57   -9.26
TOTAL                 468.86    362.47    288.77     431.72   539.53   410.65  403.98
STRENGTH IN RUPAS       7.81      6.04      4.81       7.20     8.99     6.84    6.73
PERC STREGNTH           1.56      1.01      0.96       1.03     1.38     1.24    1.35

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